Would you like to help us to raise funds that allow us to purchase new equipment and resources?
One such way is through online shopping with a large variety of top names, including: Boots, Sainsbury, Sports Direct...way too many to list here.
Why not visit their website and register today...
We would like to thank Wryde Croft Wind Farm for awarding us a grant of £2860.00 to develop our garden area following the building work during the summer of 2018.
Here is a picture of our newly surfaced safety play area.
Fenland & East Cambs Early Years Improvement Fund funded £7332.00 in 2021 to help promote speech, language and communication opportunities in children's lives, both in settings and at home.
“Chatter Matters”
Closing the gap for children with speech and language delay through upskilling the workforce through a formal level 3 Cache accredited Communication, Language and Literacy qualification and improving the outdoor learning environment to promote a language rich area to boost provision for boys to increase conversational opportunity from real life experiences.